Bueno...tengo que practicar mi espanol mucho en los dos meses proximos, porque ayer aprendi que mi vocabulario esta muerto...in other words, my Spanish sucks.
There's not much to report right now, except this: go see "Crash" right now. It is the only movie worth seeing this summer.
Try not to talk about it with every other person who's seen it. I dare you. Once in awhile, movies come along that make me think, "If I were a high school teacher who really wanted to make kids think, this is what I'd have them watch." The film challenges viewers to think about race and racism in all of their multifaceted, tangled realities. It asks us to think not only about how racism occurs in everyday life, but also about why it happens and what the hell we can do about it. Coalescent Boy and I saw it recently -- we talked for over 2 hours afterwards, sitting in the office of our home while the city slept.
Check it out, then write me! This one's worth the price of admission.